Monday, January 9, 2012


It seems that every few weeks or months there is a new group in Orgrimmar. They may be a clan, a self-proclaimed tribe, or a company (or that is what the goblins call it). They gather near or in the inn at the Valley of Honor, declaring their resolutions and loyalty to each other. Then, in a matter of weeks again they are crippled with in-fighting and defections.

A new leader rises and may take power, or the ambitious create yet another group and follows the same cycle. Sometimes the force of a commander’s personality is enough to hold them together for longer. Other times it only invites hatred and rivalry from other groups and competition rises. Examples of these groups are the Blood of the Horde, Bilgewater Boys, Scoundrel Co., Dragonbanes and so on. Even the Legion of the Kor’kron are not immune to growth and decay.

The current trend appears to favor the Blackjaw, and the Warsong Outriders. The latter faded for a time under inept leadership and are resurging, or that is at least what I am hearing.

Each change is interesting to observe. And it validates my desire for independence from any group. Loyalty should be a constant thing: once gained, it becomes intractable. The difficult part being, of course, deserving that loyalty to begin with.

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