Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I finally confessed about the strange dizzy spells to Nemeiah. Some days ago, when she handed me a paper with the word “Gilneas” written in Common on it, I saw another vision for a brief time. I described the scene to her yesterday, and she immediately thought that this might be a fragment of a memory. The simple brilliance of it astounded me, but the details are worrying. Why would the scenes be so different? One dark, one bright? What relation would an Elf have with Gilneas?

At the least, I now have a book that may be able to help identify the location within Gilneas. It is written in Common, which I cannot read, so I am hopeful that D.A. will be able to assist with the translation.

An amusing note. I joined several of the Tribe and a few others for a dinner and game down near Gadgetzan. The game included telling two lies and one truth about oneself. Of the dozen or so there, I was the only to select the truth correctly each time. Even for those I had just met, and the Regent’s skillfully concealed claims. I was rather pleased with myself.

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