Wednesday, January 25, 2012


For one that is not a Troll, it is difficult to learn much about the Trollish gods: the Loa. Loa, in a general sense, are spirits that are offered sacrifice and service in order to receive their blessings. It is akin to a master and servant, according to Zazii.  

It was Jiik that first mentioned this, as she is a Trollish warlock and in the service of Mueh’zala. I did not know until much later that even mentioning the name of this Loa was disagreeable. In addition, Elves and Trolls do not mingle well when discussing their faiths. Before, when I asked Do’xian regarding this, he warned me that too much curiosity and questioning could bring ill will. However, two nights ago Zazii, Gom’jun, and another one of their acquaintance that they called Vorl’baz were discussing it. I was invited to listen.

Apparently, you are given the opportunity to choose your Loa, based on what powers you possess, or wish to obtain. There are more than one Loa that deal with death, unsurprisingly. And they are very real in form, as the Drakkari trolls of Northrend took advantage of. Gom’jun did not sacrifice to any Loa, and did not understand why his elders considered it so vital. They explained it to him. It was fascinating.

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