Yesterday the Regent and I went for another outing to a place of my choosing; this time, the northwestern reaches of the Stonetalon Mountains. I intended to use a steeply descending path there as means to employ her energy, and to raise a point. That some things are better not rushed, or else they shatter from the fall. My intent was to gently critique the manner in which she pressed me for personal information. But this message was lost to what happened next.
A pair of Night elf rangers ambushed us as we stood by a cliff. The Regent received an arrow to the shoulder, and when I moved to block the rest, I was struck in the chest. The rangers had the advantage of cover and altitude, and our options were few. At her urging, we grabbed hold of each other and jumped from the cliff.
The fall did not break us, but it also did not slow our attackers. I entreated her to remain hidden at the base while I attracted fire, drawing the pair of rangers down into my range. One of them I tangled with violently, the other the Regent distracted and disarmed, then beat with her own bow.
She summoned the Tribe. Vivvienne and star-dancer Adurak arrived first, changing the advantage and killing the one I grappled. Pip followed soon after and between their magic and blows, dispatched the second. A pair of healers came next, the gypsy-Forsaken Blanche and Quanah the druid, summoned by the Regent’s voice to treat us.
The rangers carried a symbol of Feathermoon, and so Pip plans to scout and possibly exact revenge there. I intend to assist as able.
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