Monday, March 19, 2012


After Nem went to prepare for the journey to the Vanguard, I spoke to the Bishop about my disobedience. That is, when he commanded Roeth and me to remain at Tyr’s Hand during the quarantine and I flew away before being captured.

Roeth obeyed the decree. The Bishop expressed his fury at me and threatened that if I “pull something like that again,” I would be banished from Tyr’s Hand. Like the boorish Knight and his schizophrenic dragon-woman. As though I was no better than them.

It was difficult to restrain my own anger with him, and not just for this criticism. I had escaped the quarantine so that I could provide protection to my household. But more important than our disagreement on my behavior is our agreement on Nem. I will simply hope that he does not again do something that brings her harm and distress. And that he keeps his word that he would not bring her to the Scourge Necropolis.

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