Thursday, March 8, 2012


Goodman Nathan and I had a bit of a chat this morning. It occurred to me that we did not introduce ourselves under pleasant conditions (he was aiming a gun at me), and if we are to work together to fight this demon, we should know a little more of each other. Though he knows my name, for the time being, he defers to me as "Captain."

First, we agreed that were no lingering grievances between us. Despite the initial hostility. Neither of us understood what had occurred and were defending ourselves.

Then, we made our acquaintance. He did not know what a death knight was. Granted, he died during a time when they did not exist; though precisely how long ago that was I am not certain. D.A. has the exact date, I am sure. He was born on this property and worked here, inheriting his father’s positions as Hunt-Master and Stablemaster for his Lord. He had a sister, who was killed with the rest of those destroyed by the bad bargain.

His relationship with Mira I did not press far into, aside from enough to understand that it was significant, but not official. In turn, I informed him of my pairing with D.A. Nathan was--- he had apparently already realized it was not “strictly professional,” between us and admitted that he found the pairing odd. I believe that our difference in rank he may be more sympathetic to, because of his own feelings for Mira.

My impression of him on the whole is that he is an honest, earnest man who has much, or more to grieve in this situation than D.A. or I. He lost all that he knew, including his Lord and family, and the last possible vestige of that remains in her unnatural sleep. I hope that she wakes soon.

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