Thursday, March 22, 2012


Sometimes we are not stronger because of bravery, or victory, or threat of injury. We are stronger because there is someone to protect. We are selfish creatures that avoid unnecessary pain, but will cast ourselves into flames if it would save a loved one.

A man alone can lift a pebble. But if his mate is in danger, he will lift a mountain. A soldier can raise her shield to hide from a rain of arrows, but will hold it above her comrade’s wounded head first. Someone utterly terrified of death will take a lover’s place to satisfy Hell’s call.

But one must not invite Hell to make that dreaded call. Or choose to set the house ablaze and endanger one’s family. Discretion is also protection, selecting battles that are necessary and not frivolous. Or foolish. Otherwise you only bring about destruction that could have been avoided.

The Lord of this manor made a terrible bargain and his family paid the price. I watch the Tribe and wonder if they do the same. I must also judge my own actions and plans.

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