Thursday, March 29, 2012

Kruega Riverwatcher

He is a Tauren bull, with cream colored fur. Currently he is an initiate of the Tribe, as Lord Sunderflame is, and Pip is his mentor. We first met at a Tribal dinner and game party of sorts. He is sensitive to Sin’dorei and others that carry fel energies on them, in that he wrinkles his nose and sneezes.

Kruega is a Sunwalker. A Tauren that has learned to utilize the Light as a paladin or priest does. He trained in Northrend recently, and expressed his astonishment when meeting the Taunka, the native tribe there. In personality, he demonstrates himself as a kind, if naïve sort. I have the impression that he will make a fine protector for someone when he chooses to.

He had disappeared after attending a Tribe event that was full of alcohol and distraction, and woke in Elwynn Forest. Had I known of this, I would have spent more time there searching for him specifically. But he managed his way back to Orgrimmar over several days. When he did, I was present with Urukha. I was puzzled by her reaction and others of the Tribe when they learned that he had returned and gathered about to speak to him. But I may write more on that later.

Regardless, I transported him to Piki’alo so that he could retrieve his belongings and rest in a safe location should he wish. Mayhem, my drake, did not appreciate the extra weight. But at the least Kruega had been secured. He conveyed his gratitude multiple times on the journey there and apologized for Mayhem’s discomfort.

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