Saturday, May 19, 2012

Update #8

With the warmer weather of early summer my garden is suddenly very crowded. The apple tree has flowered and the Gilnean rosebush displays buds. In addition to the other plants that express themselves with color and sprouts. It is rather overwhelming in a way. With all of the other tasks I have time only to keep it minimally maintained and I do not have a plan for the surge of blooms and apples. The others would likely ridicule me if they knew my bewilderment.

In Orgrimmar I brought ice cream to Nemeiah. Taste is a sense that few Forsaken have with full functionality but I was not certain if she would be able to experience some of it. She could, to a muted degree and enjoyed it. When I mentioned that I knew someone who could make it (Pip), she asked me to request a sum of it on her behalf to share with the others at Tyr’s Hand. This I did and Urukha obliged.

Archer, the dark-haired man of Tyr’s Hand suggested that I join the Gauntlet. That is the official name of the Bishop’s group. He said that they could use an extra axe or two, and a “friendlier death knight.” Likely he referred to Roeth as the standard. I did not respond due to the absurdity of the idea. As I think of of both of them, Archer reminds me of Westel and not simply because both are bowmen.

At the last Tribe meeting I was chosen randomly to answer a question each from those present. The purpose of this game is to discover more about each of the Tribe members and for amusement. Urukha and the Regent could have easily unsettled me but neither did. Kuvasei asked how I felt about demons. My favorite question though came from Whiteclaw: “Kill the wolf, or lead the sheep to safety?” Of course, kill the wolf. And that is also how I feel about certain demons.

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