Friday, May 18, 2012

Run the Rapids

Yesterday it was again my turn to prepare an outing with the Regent. I chose to move away from intrigue and drama to exercise and conversation. The activity involved utilizing my frosted footsteps spell and running upon river rapids in Darkshore. The challenge: to remain balanced and not fall in.

We chatted until we arrived at the headwaters on the beach. The shattering of the world opened a gash in the land that cuts east and then north until it terminates at a massive inland waterfall and maelstrom. 

The Regent dropped into the water during one of the early, shallow stretches of rapids but kept her footing the rest of the way. I was not so talented near the end. Taken down by the strong current I grabbed a rock only a few meters from the brink of the great falls. She assisted in pulling me from the torrent and made some series of quips that I cannot recall now. The intent may have been to focus and settle my mind and was successful if so.

From there we climbed up and onto another rock in a different river that also dipped over into the maelstrom. It provided a lovely view of the main waterfall. However, after a short discussion she stood and stepped very close to the edge of the cliff. Having nearly gone over the side a few minutes before this caused me great anxiety. But the Regent would not retreat despite attempts to distract her with conversation.

When she tested my resolve I threw her back from the brink without grace or ceremony. She was displeased, but so was I. She placated me with assurances, jokes and guile. After departing I realized that she had worn that blasted victorious smirk on her face again. 

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