Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Unchanging Stripes

While on the outing with the Regent, I represented an individual that rehabilitated zhevras (the odd one, as mentioned before). While it is not worthwhile to record how this was portrayed, one common observance was that zhevras have black and white stripes, or white and black, depending on the perspective. Individuals also have them in the form of behaviors and tendencies that, despite circumstances, may not change.

There are several in my acquaintance who have seen and endured the stripes of their closest companion. And they have made their choice to remain with them regardless, or face that decision now. One example of the latter is Nemeiah, having recently received communication from her former fiancé. I call him Meade.

Meade was ordered away to war, or so he told Nem. Yet I believe that he made the choice of duty over love for her. And thus forfeited any claim on her affection. She does not yet know what his intent is in contacting her again but I suspect that once he bothers to speak to her he will attempt to renew their relationship. It is then her decision whether or not to allow it.

I am concerned that preservation of the (past) situation will obscure the grief of prior failings. And journal, you know that it is not solely Nem that is challenged thus. But on those others I have already written at length and tire of spending ink and words on the subject.

For now, for all of them, it appears to be a matter of stripes turning from black on white, to white on black with no real discernible change to the pattern. And they let themselves be told that it “is different now.”

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