Saturday, May 5, 2012

Eyes Dark as Sin

After weeks of searching for tomes, working to accumulate materials for sale and providing protection for this household, my body displays wear and tires. For my beloved also the many hours each day spent in seclusion and study have enacted a toll. In order to alleviate this I offered a time for respite. Or as it is also called, a date.

Despite my poor skill at presenting the idea D.A. accepted with eagerness. And so last night we rode to the ruins of Medivh’s castle in Deadwind Pass. I have seen it many times before but my darling had not, and gazed at it in wonder. We explored the interior: the ballrooms, passages, dining areas and myriad staircases until finding our way to the concert hall.

I had a bit more planned and when D.A. mentioned a wish to see something performed, I placed an envelope on my chair and then dashed down to the stage. There I recited lines from the story of Romulo and Julianne to my beloved. To my surprise and delight, D.A. then proclaimed poetry to me in return! Not the borrowed words of dead writers, but self-composed at that instant and perfectly matched to the grand hall. I swiftly improvised in response.

Carried across the space from stage to balcony, we pronounced our adoration and devotion; as though we made love with words alone.

Of course this needed conclusion and I was bid to return to the balcony. I disapproved of all the bloody stairs on the path between. But when arrived, I revealed the last part of the plan and my beloved opened the envelope. Contained within was no more than a single slip of paper that conveyed the concrete results of these weeks of labor. As I had pledged.

My beloved’s reaction was different from what I expected, but no less pleased. All that I required and desired for reward though, was in those dark eyes.

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