Friday, December 2, 2011

Snow Fight

Good morning, journal.

My apologies for the relative lateness of this entry. D.A. roused me from sleep with a sudden and palpable urgency. I received assurance that all was safe, and was then informed that it had snowed. We were required to go out and play in it.

Imagine, journal, both my confusion and Mirtai’s as we bundled ourselves and strode out of doors. Play is not something that we are familiar with. As I was about to question the activity, a snowy missile struck my face. Immediately, I retaliated, but my skill was poor and I soon had to seek cover from D.A.’s expert onslaught.

While I assembled an arsenal, that tricky magician recruited Mirtai to the cause. Soon the three of us were exchanging fire, two against my one. With cover, I downed D.A. and drove Mirtai back behind a tree. As I sprang forth to the open, a prone D.A. declared surrender. I should have suspected a ruse, but I confess that excitement disabled my better calculations. I moved in to secure my victory. Then, with a final, brilliant blow, D.A. dislodged the entirety of a load of snow from the tree branch above onto me.

I conceded defeat to my superior opponent. Mirtai refused to come out from cover herself until a cease-fire was declared. I do not think she enjoyed it as much as the two of us, but knew not to refuse a command from D.A. Blankets, hot drinks and a comfortable seat by the fireplace concluded the ritual.

It was enjoyable fun.

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