Thursday, December 15, 2011

Chance and Fate

A few days ago I acquired the team of horses that will draw the carriage. They had names, but I decided to rename them for their new purpose. However, I struggled to think of something appropriate. To compare, my drake is named Mayhem, and my dread charger is Chaos. They were named when I was far more interested in such things.

This is different. The names should reflect the unique symbolism of this vehicle, demonstrating the distance traveled between what was, and what is. And the unlikely path that it took in between. When Urukha visited the barn in Tirisfal to see the completed product, I told her that one of the names I considered is Chance.

Urukha suggested the name Fate for the other. She believes in this concept firmly, while I do not. As we discussed it, we agreed that both may have influence. Had Fate been followed strictly, based on circumstances, she would be much different.

But with Chance, and the opportunity to embrace different possibilities, we suddenly have choice. That is something precious and not afforded to all, nor easy to recognize when it arises.

So, let us be drawn by Chance and Fate. And see where we go.

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