Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Letter to Great-father Winter

Good morning, journal.

Last night D.A. informed me that I was required to write a letter to Great-father Winter. Before a few days ago, I did not know that there was such an individual in the world, who would give presents to anyone. Never have I observed Winter’s Veil, or understood what it involved, or received a gift for it.

Apparently, I have little skill at writing a letter like this. D.A. guided me like a General, instructing and critiquing my words with great confidence. I did my best and deferred to their wisdom, as I know of no one more adept at persuasion.

This was the result:

Dear Great-father Winter,

This Winter’s Veil, I would like to meet you when 
you come. I enjoy giving presents to others, myself.  
I am looking forward to the holiday, and celebrating 
it for the first time!

I would like a sword, two-handed, with a strong blade 
and sturdy grip. However, if none are available, all 
I wish for is a chance to see you, and for those I love 
to be happy.

Thank you for reading my letter, and happy Winter's 


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