Wednesday, November 30, 2011


There are many ladies in the Tribe that are pregnant; and others that already have children. Vivvienne and Anannia are both predicted to give birth within the next few weeks. And a handful of other ladies, including Vindy, anticipate children by the summer. Glenshadow has six little ones, although the oldest is a man in his own right and hardly little. There are also Anais and Zephanye, sired by Westel and Scynthe, respectively. Sir Veladrys has Rhiaden.

The great number of young and tiny beings in my vicinity causes me great anxiety. My unnatural presence is not easily defined to them, but it should not be trivialized, either. This is what I took great pains to try and explain to Anannia when she thought, mistakenly, that it would be a good thing to have me near her delivery.

The potency of these ladies and men is quite striking as well. Some members of the Tribe seem to fall in love and become pregnant within weeks, with little effort. But no matter the effort or energy I might devote, I will never be one among this group. This body is not capable.

But it was not always so. I do w- ((Three more lines of text are blotted out by ink.))

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