Thursday, February 2, 2012


There is a flock of new individuals seeking to join the Tribe. They are given temporary status after an interview and are referred to at an initiate rank. Granted access to talismans and so forth, they must prove that they belong before being considered a full ‘brother’ or ‘sister.’

Each of them is assigned to a mentor. This mentor is a current, long-standing member of the Tribe who should act as their liaison and ease them into the culture. It is a daunting task to learn and impress all of the others, so you would think that these initiates, and their mentors, would spend a great deal of energy working together to try and successfully complete this phase.

Valtirus, for example, is supposed to be mentored by Scynthe. But the only interaction between the two I witnessed was lacking in enthusiasm by Scynthe. Valtirus, however, has attended some events and has approached me with concerns. I am not entirely certain if it is due to a lack of attention from others or if he feels secure with me. He seems eager to help, but is not collected in his thoughts and poise at all times, especially in a group.

On the other hand, Mortahn and his mentor, Westel, appear at odds. Mortahn is much more forward and talkative, to the point where it seems that there is no filter between his thought and actions at all.

Onokwa and I have spoken on several occasions, and she is shy and retiring. She is engaged in assisting Pip with the Winterspring orphanage, in druidic fashion, from what she described.

There were a few others that attended last night’s Silvermoon Symposium, along with the Regent – which is how I estimate they are initiates – but we have not been introduced. That may occur tonight at the Tribal meeting. Depending of course, on if the Regent allows me there.

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