Saturday, February 11, 2012


It was a year ago that my beloved and I became a pair. I recall our trepidation, and our desire to gain something heretofore withheld. I had known longing, but was given no freedom. My beloved had known attraction, but was given no respect. In each other we found what we lacked, and an equal in mind.

It has not been an easy year, and in recent weeks misunderstandings arose between us, mostly by my fault. I employed far too much energy on protection, and not enough on trust. D.A. allowed frustration to grow until it was unleashed in a cruel manner, at a time when I was reeling from other concerns. I have since adjusted, and D.A. has softened in tone and stance.

As a gift for this day I acquired one of those contraptions that creates music, and can be moved about from place to place as wished. I am hopeful that it will be received well.

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