Monday, August 20, 2012

Tomorrow is Another Day

The last outing with the Regent could not be defined as “out” by most standards, because it was indoors. From Ana she inherited a strange contraption that projects images of a story and invited me to view one. The title of it was “Tomorrow is Another Day,” and it was an old human tale.

It related a young woman of affluence who lost her position and fortune due to a civil war between human kingdoms, and then struggled to return to her former status. The story was quite long, but I wished to see it concluded. Not all of the words or scenarios did I understand and this prompted a number of questions. Fortunately the Regent was obliging in her answers. She also admitted some anxiety with exposing me to the machine because of the foreignness of it.

My curiosity regarding the themes and symbols is not satisfied completely though, and so I hope to happen upon the book that the moving picture story is sourced on. But do not have the leisure to pursue it directly.

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