Thursday, September 20, 2012

Once and Future King

“I will find a book and read to you I think. I know you get bored with nothing to occupy you.”

My beloved introduced this method to keep me relatively immobile while resting to heal an injury. This was done also when recovering initially from the shadow realm, as it gave us something to think on other that what had happened.

The story this time involved some of the characters also found in the Green Knight tale. About a king that began unknown, and who gathered knights to his famous table.

One scene depicted the hunt and slaughter of a unicorn, which I found poignant because these creatures are universally considered good. My beloved explained that it perished due to the deception of the villainess and the naïveté of the boys that killed it. But as a result they were no longer so jaded. Their deeds thereafter reflected how they had viewed the incident and shaped what they became. One resorted to villainy; another rose to be a great knight.

I related some of the story to Nemeiah, although I could not offer an accurate translation of the title, as is evident in this entry. 

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