Tuesday, September 4, 2012


It is challenging to believe in something, particularly when all that you see is the opposite of that which is hoped for. With the Light there appear as many interpretations of its use as there are wielders.

Yet is it not the same thing that all of these Light-flingers reach to? Both the ones that use it to heal a man at the threshold of death, and those that use it to hurt or kill others. Thus, to define the faith seems more a matter of defining the person that claims it. For a paladin, a blood knight for example, the Light is a tool with which to conquer. But for someone like Nem, it is a benefactor and yet, cruel in how it lashes her for practicing.

There are those of faith that have invested far more time contemplating this and so I cannot claim to understand it better than they; in fact the opposite is quite well confessed.

Nem asked instead for me to have faith in her when she uses the Light to heal others. To trust that she does so with discretion and care. 

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