Thursday, September 6, 2012

Building Ties

Construction on the cabin continues and now the roof has been placed and sealed. Nathan advised that it should be allowed time before being rained upon, but weather seldom cooperates when one needs it to.

I appreciate the work as well as Nathan’s assistance and company. His experience is greater, and he is no less invested in the cabin’s completion. He also has slowly adjusted to the nightly schedule.

Because my beloved insists on regular breaks now, we have had time for a few chats in those hours before dawn. Recently we spoke of pedigree and capacity. I confessed to him that I felt that I did not deserve to be paired with someone like my beloved, for I am not noble. My beloved possesses both ability and rank, when often the two are exclusive to each other. Nathan thought that if one must have only one of those two features, it was better to be highly regarded than high born.

I am mindful also that his situation is (or was) not so different from mine when he secretly courted Mira.

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