Saturday, June 16, 2012


There have continued to be incidents at Tyr’s Hand.

Nemeiah decided to remain despite the challenges and danger there. She mentioned to me the possibility of seeking a new location in a temporary sense in order to allow the troubles to pass. On her behalf I sought out Urukha to ask if it was possible for the Tribe to extend hospitality should this occur. But it is no longer relevant.

If there was a safer place to be I would have her go there but she trusts in the Bishop and the guards no matter how many times they have failed her. And as at the Vanguard she waits while others go to fight and secure the land. She is not eager for them to face the threat but I explained that it is good for some to have something to protect. I mostly spoke of myself. Knowing my design and to persuade her not to worry overmuch when the others do their dangerous duty.

In the meantime I visit as often as business allows. Although she is tolerant of my conversation it is not always attuned to trivial or cheerful subjects. The fault on this is mine due to an inordinate amount of curiosity. Recently I have attempted to temper it.

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