Thursday, June 7, 2012

Chaos and Mayhem

These two I may have mentioned before. They are my transportation and have been with me since the beginning. Chaos is a dreadsteed. An undead horse that can fade and appear as summoned. Mayhem is a blue drake and cannot disappear but will remain above in the air or perched when not called.

Their names sometimes lead to questions. The answer I give is that I named them at a time when I was more interested in such things. It is a bit like an adolescent that selects an ominous moniker for a mundane object or pet in order to express their unstable emotions.

Chaos is extremely obedient because he is essentially a ghoul. A diminished husk of what once was a fine steed.

Mayhem is simply a well-trained drake. He came from Coldarra where the blue flight resides, and as with D.A. I nearly lost him before I could attempt to keep him. Though drakes have the mental capacity to speak our languages he has never uttered a word. I think it is because he chooses not to. 

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