Tuesday, October 23, 2012

New People

Two of the odd bear-people I have spoken with. One was earnest and attentive, and the other proved disappointing.

The first is named Wen-Bie (I likely am not spelling this correctly, for their pronunciation and language is strange). She seemed young and curious. I would not have approached but she offered to share a cup of Jasmine tea. Though unknown to most this is my favorite. So I was tempted successfully into conversation. She answered many of my questions, including those that must have seemed terribly obvious to her.

The second was Shen. There was another syllable after the first but I do not know how to write it. She arrived in my attention when I noticed her display a peculiar amount of patience with an egocentric, monologuing orc. It was difficult to find her alone for a chat. When I did, at first she also answered questions and began to return a few to me. But we were interrupted by squabbling goblins, and then she departed without an acknowledgement or farewell.

But this may be preferable in the end. I dislike questions such as “Who were you before” and “Was it strange waking up in a world you left behind.” I now understand Nemeiah’s dilemma when conversing with them on the Forsaken.

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