This year was not as peaceful as I had hoped.
It began with my journey to Tirisfal to claim freedom from Viere’s
legacy, which I believe was successful until I learned that still he lived. He would
not leave me to this new life, although I had opportunities to end his. The
wisdom of that choice I question now.
My beloved was taken from me once and then nearly again. Yet we as
a pair have not faltered or fled from each other. A greater, darker power has
been learned and transformed into restorative and practical magic. Our abilities
compliment as never before. And this is something to which both of us struggle
to adapt.
Nathan entered into things as a spirit lingering in the shade of
forgotten memories. He lost everything that he knew, more than once with his
love, Mira. But he confessed to me that he was grateful to live
again even if the world had changed. It gave him the chance to enact revenge on
the demon that had destroyed his world and to form new relationships here on
the same manor. And he has a very well-built cabin to dwell in.
Mirtai settled well into her new existence. Until Nathan appeared
and reminded her of everything that she missed of her former powers. She
learned that her current form was not truly her own and that Mira may well
linger within her. But she seems content and is well-protected and cared for
here. Conditions that she realizes she did not have before.
Nemeiah grew a soft but strong ambition that has endured despite
the lackadaisical efforts of the Bishop and others that claim to support her. Or
perhaps I should say that she endured.
Her devotion to the Light is so steady that she followed her companions to
Icecrown, into a Necropolis, and then waited again for them at Tyr’s Hand to
return so she could heal them. She continues to place the wellness of others
above her own despite how the Light harms her.
The Regent has become Westlynn. She always was, but divesting herself of Tribe and title thrust her into a new chapter.
Little does she speak of it, though. Our friendship developed over many months
and over many miles trekked through desert, mountains and rapids. And through
endless conversations on myriad topics. Others did not treat her so kind.
The Tribe and I are separated, and this includes Urukha. The
treatment she gave to me after my first return from the realm of shadows was so
abominable that no other course was left to me. I no longer ponder or question
the cause; I am satisfied simply if I never see her again.
Other relationships remain, such as with Kruega, Vivvienne and Westel. The
latter expected her second child some time during this season and also intended
to marry its sire. Kruega provided many lighthearted chats and diversion with
his allergy to the Fel. But he also needed to journey for a time in order to
search for what he needed. Westel was married. I was not present for the ceremony
but assume that he is happy with the development.
Shadowstep, the demon and the Witch are vanquished.
Shadowstep, the demon and the Witch are vanquished.
As for myself, I still believe it a waste of ink to spend time considering
what changed. What has formed, rather, is a sense of design far more solid than any
that I carried before. I am a Knight, my beloved’s, and anything that I do is
to preserve and thrive in that purpose. I know more of what I am and what is disposable
when what I love is threatened. For this next year, I intend to strengthen that
position and for the unworthy, to be less compromising.
At the least, I must expect that it will be another interesting
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