With Darkbreak plastering his advertisements all around and
the lingering concern about him, my beloved and I agreed that something must be
done to ensure our security. I calculated and decided that more information was
needed first. Thus, I required someone who could collect it for me.
With Westlynn out exploring the new lands and for a few
different reasons, I reached to “the other side.”
Not formally of course, but the task calls for someone who
could move through Alliance areas. And whose discretion could be ensured by coin
rather than politics. Much is risked. This endeavor was also made more
challenging because I did not understand Common. And have avoided learning it,
I must add, but that is a topic for another time.
The individuals I found (through Silvermoon contacts, interestingly) displayed uncanny good manners
and claimed to lack an allegiance to the institutions and hierarchy of
Stormwind. Though the spy and I do not yet share a language and this could be
problematic. I must trust that her “boss” relayed my instructions correctly.
I believe Nem would be proud of me for behaving myself.