Monday, April 29, 2013

Butterfly Wings

Westlynn sent to me a gift. Something gathered from the new lands, I estimate. It is a butterfly with iridescent, shiny blue wings pressed into a glass pane. I am not certain if she sent it because she simply thought I would approve, or if there is something else.

Things have changed.

Knowing what I do and what I do not know, and the intersection wherein all the risk resides. What mattered little, what mattered none, and how delicate we all are.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Old, Burnt Bridges

I happened upon Nemeiah in Orgrimmar this morning. While I was glad to see her, I was equally reluctant to volunteer details of the last few weeks and their conclusion. She may not have approved of Darkbreak due to his use of the Light to harm me, but telling her precisely how he ended seemed unwise. Even if I was not his agent of Death.

Nem mentioned a desire to speak of someone, and I became concerned. Of similar significance as Viere is to me, is a man that has caused her great grief. But it was not him that she wanted to talk about.

It was Urukha.

The orcess who treated me with such misunderstanding and disdain approached her and asked of me, Nem said. It was her supposition that Urukha wanted to rebuild the bridge that burned between us. I do not know the accuracy of the assumption, but if it is true, I would expect Urukha to approach under her own courage and not use Nem's influence on me. Though she likely knows still how I will listen to Nem's counsel.

And, journal, such an approach would require courage. I have forgotten nothing. Which is why I will not believe or act on Nem’s hypothesis unless there is evidence of it.

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Darkbreak no longer presents a threat. There was little doubt of the conclusion, but the planning and subterfuge required were telling of the importance of it. He did not reach his destination after sailing from Stormwind.

There was some damage received by my beloved and me. The next steps involve recovery and returning to normalcy. As much as it can be had.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Final Play

The infiltrator proved remarkably successful, bringing back usable information to me regarding Darkbreak. She concocted some story to gain access to him. Then, used it to receive a demonstration of his abilities (though I already had witnessed them much closer than desired).

The insight gathered regarding an item in his possession was the most helpful. My beloved now works to find counters to it and to his other defenses.

Then, the next step is obvious. And depends on my calculations in order to enact it successfully. I have navigational charts and maps all over the floor. It all feels very familiar, though I try not to spend time wondering why.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Adoring Legions

There is an army within my beloved’s study. They sit in neat rows, arranged by rank and are selected according to their virtue. They wait in silence, still and dreadfully organized. The favored may number up to a dozen or more and occupy D.A.’s space and time until they are no longer required.

Which is when I happily return them to the shelves.

I call the books my beloved’s “adoring legions” as a tease for when I lose D.A’s attention to them. This is not a serious criticism. Many ways have I discovered to capture and retain interest despite competition. My beloved has also used them to entertain, reading stories aloud to me.

Once I did threaten to toss them all about the room, with permission, because they had not surrendered the desired information readily. D.A., quite calm and firm in tone reminded me to refrain. It would have been bloody amusing had I been allowed.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Other Side

With Darkbreak plastering his advertisements all around and the lingering concern about him, my beloved and I agreed that something must be done to ensure our security. I calculated and decided that more information was needed first. Thus, I required someone who could collect it for me.

With Westlynn out exploring the new lands and for a few different reasons, I reached to “the other side.”

Not formally of course, but the task calls for someone who could move through Alliance areas. And whose discretion could be ensured by coin rather than politics. Much is risked. This endeavor was also made more challenging because I did not understand Common. And have avoided learning it, I must add, but that is a topic for another time.

The individuals I found (through Silvermoon contacts, interestingly) displayed uncanny good manners and claimed to lack an allegiance to the institutions and hierarchy of Stormwind. Though the spy and I do not yet share a language and this could be problematic. I must trust that her “boss” relayed my instructions correctly.

I believe Nem would be proud of me for behaving myself.

Monday, April 1, 2013

((April Fool's: The post formerly known as "Blue Crab"))

((No great surprise here! The blue crab referenced was the annoying pop-up helper from World of Warcraft's website, affectionately known as "Crabby." If Annjia ever did encounter Blizzard's favorite annoying crustacean, I'm pretty sure she would either avoid it or dedicate herself to its utter destruction.

A blue crab followed me home.

At first I thought it amusing, if disturbing in how it stared. Then I became irritated with it and killed it.

Then, it came back. D.A. suggested that I "get the butter." I will be very glad when this day is over.))