Friday, December 23, 2011

Winter's Veil Party

Good morning, journal.

My apologies once again for the lateness of this entry. Once again I stayed awake last night, and much of the reason for this was the Tribe’s Winter’s Veil party in Dragonblight. Unfortunately, several of the ladies, including Anannia and Vivvienne, attended dressed in the slightest of holiday outfits and were rather miserable with the cold.

I offered Anannia my cloak (as Scynthe appeared to be taking care of Vivvienne), and she later changed into something more appropriate. I then borrowed the inappropriate. It was glorious. Anannia was blamed for my odd behavior and several, including the Regent, asked if I was feeling well.

The Little Wolf was there also, and though we did not have the opportunity to speak at length, she seemed quite content with her mate Urafang in tow. I was also able to introduce myself to Anais, Westel’s young daughter. She enjoyed herself immensely with the presence of “Great Father Winter” – really one of the Tribesman dressed up – and gifts. He gave to me a present of tall black boots. I immediately donned those, for they looked rather fine with the rest of the lack of clothing.

The night ended with a fight of snowy projectiles. Fortunately, my training with D.A. allowed me to compete adequately. Birodil, with his accommodating nature, was the target of my impish tactics after the main battle ended. Snow does not hurt when it is politely shoved down the back of one’s shirt.

Oh, the Regent also carried some small, strange device with her that produced great white flashes of light. She assured me that it was not a weapon, although she aimed it at me and several others throughout the night. I should ask about this later. I did return Anannia’s clothes to her, also, though I am tempted to procure a set of my own.

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